Colobus guereza


Order Primata


Coat glossy black; face and rump surrounded by white, U-shaped white mantle on sides and rear of back, tail white at end. Young are all white. Point of nose nearly touches mouth. Head + body length 18-28 in, tail 20-35 in; 12-32 lb. No cheek pouches, thumb nearly absent.


west central and east Africa: eastern Nigeria to Ethiopia & Tanzania.


Logging and habitat conversion for farming are the major threats to all habitats that support this species. The Lincoln Park Zoo participates in the Black and White Colobus Species Survival Plan.



uppermost branches of tropical forests, woodlands and wooded grassland (where it may travel on the ground), including lowlands and high elevations; most abundant in secondary forest or along rivers.

digestive system designed to process leaves, but will occasionally eat flowers, twigs, buds, seeds and shoots. Fruit makes up about a third of the diet. Diurnal and arboreal. Troop size usually 6-9, with I or more adult males. Home range is about 40 acres. This species has a preferred area within its home range from which other groups are chased, but not permanently excluded. Visual and vocal displays occur when groups meet, and loud nocturnal and dawn choruses by adult males serve to space out groups.

Life History

Single young born after about 5 mo. gestation. Offspring are produced about every 20 mo. Maturity occurs about 4-6 yr. Life span in captivity 23+ yrs.

Special Adaptations

  • Hind legs long and well-muscled for leaping between branches or bounding along them.
  • Rump callouses allow animal to sit for long periods on slender branches without discomfort.
  • Stomach enlarged and specialized for fermentation of leaves; special enlarged compartment contains fermenting bacteria. Compare with hindgut fermentation in New World howler monkeys.